Saturday, April 25, 2009

Looking Back at Nebraska Learns 2.0

Yesterday, at the Lincoln City Libraries In Service Day, some questions came up about Nebraska Learns 2.0. I thought I'd post my responses on my Nebraska Learns 2.0 blog.

I learned a tremendous amount in NL2.0, but what I learned depended on the time and effort I put into each "thing." It also helped to follow the instructions for each "thing."

I did hit roadblocks. Some of them were psychological -- like my aversion to the weeks with 3 things instead of 2. Some were the result of computer glitches or the sites/tools we were to be using being not fully functional at the time I was trying to use them. And some were just my not being in the frame of mind to concentrate at the time I had set aside to work on NL2.0.

I successfully got around the roadblocks. For the computer problems, I tried another day or used a different e-mail account (my Gmail) to get the confirmation message I had to reply to. I broke down the "things" into little steps and always started with the resources. Sometimes I had to print off the instructions. And I did skip over things, moving on to the next, but making sure I did eventually get back to what I had skipped. It also helped to have a buddy or two within the building to talk about what we were doing before we blogged about it.

If I did the program again, I would keep a list of my user names and passwords in an organized fashion, rather than the pile of p-slips I currently have stashed away. I would print out more of the instructions in order to help break down the "things" into tiny steps I could do throughout the day and week, since it's hard to get that big block of uninterrupted time on public service, or even off the desk. And, I would try the extra credit ideas. I would also sign up for accounts in some of the tools we could just browse for NL2.0.

I would try to incorporate more of what I was learning directly into my library work. Last time, I started the blog Polley Music Library's Cadenza as a direct result of NL2.0. What's next?

I would highly recommend Nebraska Learns 2.0 to library staffers, if nothing else, to become familiar with other people are doing even if you don't care to do it yourself. Go ahead. Sign up for the next session.

And for the Nebraska Library Commission: When will be be getting Nebraska Learns 3.0?